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  • To focus on inflammatory and autoimmune conditions that require management with immunosuppressive 地中海ications
  • 避免重复或不必要的诊断测试



    • 定义:关节肿胀, 温暖, 积液, and/or tenderness on exam; significant stiffness in affected joints that generally improves with activity, 没有恶化.
    • 条件
      • 炎性关节炎NOS
      • 类风湿性关节炎
      • 血清反应阴性的spondyloarthropathy
        • 银屑病关节炎
        • 反应性关节炎
        • IBD-associated关节炎
        • 强直性脊柱炎
      • 水晶关节病
        • 痛风 – tophaceous gout, or repetitive flares DESPITE urate lowering therapy
          • DO NOT REFER patients without complicated gout as above – see below re tips for management
        • 焦磷酸钙沉积病
      • Juvenile idiopathic arthritis (juvenile rheumatoid arthritis) – if age >18yo
    • 在转诊前进行有益的研究
    • CBC / diff, CMP, ESR, CRP
    • RF, anti-CCP, 安娜
    • 丙肝病毒和乙肝病毒/艾滋病筛查
    • 尿酸水平(用于痛风)
    • X-rays of involved joints; if rheumatoid arthritis, please get bilat hand AND feet xrays (needed for baseline)


  • 条件
    • 系统性红斑狼疮
    • 皮肤性狼疮. discoid lupus, subacute cutaneous lupus erythematosus)
    • 药物引起的红斑狼疮
    • 混合性结缔组织病
    • 未分化结缔组织病
  • 在转诊前进行有益的研究
    • CBC / diff, CMP
    • 安娜, dsDNA, Sm / RNP, Ro /洛杉矶, C3, C4, 狼疮抗凝剂, anti-beta2-glycoprotein IgA / IgM /免疫球蛋白, anti-cardiolipin IgA / IgM /免疫球蛋白
    • UA, random 尿蛋白:Cr比值 (note – this is different than microalbumin)
    • If already done: renal bx and skin bx pathology reports


  • 条件
    • Diffuse/limited cutaneous systemic sclerosis (scleroderma)
    • 硬皮病模仿
      • Scleredema
      • Scleromyxedema
      • 嗜酸性筋膜炎
      • 局部硬皮病(morphea)
  • 在转诊前进行有益的研究
    • CBC / diff, CMP
    • 安娜, dsDNA, sci - 70, Sm / RNP, Ro /洛杉矶, C3, C4, CK, 狼疮抗凝剂, anti-beta2-glycoprotein IgA / IgM /免疫球蛋白, anti-cardiolipin IgA / IgM /免疫球蛋白
    • UA, random 尿蛋白:Cr比值 (note – this is different than microalbumin)
    • 如果已经做过:胸部CT无对比,pft, TTE


  • 条件
    • 多肌炎
    • 皮肌炎
    • 自身免疫性坏死性肌病
    • 包涵体肌炎
  • 在转诊前进行有益的研究
    • CBC / diff, CMP
    • CK
    • 安娜, Sm / RNP, Ro /洛杉矶, anti-Jo-1
    • If already done: EMG/NCS studies, MRI deltoid/thigh, CT chest w/o contrast, PFTs, TTE


  • 条件
    • 巨细胞动脉炎
    • Takayasu指出的
    • 结节性多动脉炎
    • Cryoglobulinemic血管炎
    • IgA血管炎(Henoch-Schönlein紫癜)
    • 血栓闭塞性脉管炎(伯格氏病)
    • ANCA-associated血管炎
      • 肉芽肿病伴多血管炎(韦格纳氏)
      • Eosinophilic granulomatosis with polyangiitis (Churg Strauss)
      • 微观polyangiitis
    • Leukocytoclastic血管炎
    • 荨麻疹的血管炎
    • 摘要贝氏病
  • 在转诊前进行有益的研究
    • CBC / diff, CMP, ESR, CRP
    • UA, random 尿蛋白:Cr比值 (note – this is different than microalbumin)
    • C3/C4
    • C-ANCA and p-ANCA with proteinase 3 and myeloperoxidase
    • 丙肝病毒和乙肝病毒/艾滋病筛查
    • 如果已经做过:CT血管造影, MR血管造影, 肾或皮肤病理报告, CT窦部或胸部无对比


  • 条件
    • Polymyalgia rheumatica à CBC / diff, CMP, ESR, CRP, RF/anti-CCP
    • IgG4-related疾病
    • 成人发病斯蒂尔氏病
    • 复发polychondritis
    • 雷诺氏现象
    • Sjögren’s Syndrome, dsDNA, Sm / RNP, Ro /洛杉矶, c3/c4, UA, 尿蛋白:Cr比值, 定量免疫球蛋白, 带IFE的SPEP, upp与IFE, 自由轻链(kappa/lambda)比
    • Antiphospholipid antibody syndrome – positive serology (+lupus anti-coagulant, +anti-cardiolipin ab and/OR +anti-beta2-glycoprotein ab…WITH arterial/venous clots and/OR obstetric complications)


  • 骨关节炎 → orthopedic surgery if end-stage; see PCP 地中海ical mgmt tips below otherwise
  • 椎体骨关节炎=退行性椎间盘疾病, spinal stenosis → orthopedic spine surgery or neurosurgery if focal neurologic deficits (do not refer for pain only)
  • 纤维肌痛→见下面的PCP医疗管理提示
  • Sports 地中海icine or musculoskeletal overuse injuries → orthopedic surgery and/or PT
  • complex regional pain syndrome (reflex sympathetic dystrophy) → chronic pain clinic
  • 慢性头痛→神经学
  • 结节病→肺内科
  • 重症肌无力→神经学
  • 多发性硬化→神经学
  • 遗传性/遗传性结缔组织疾病(如. Ehlers-Danlos) → genetics, or PT for joint protection teaching if arthralgia
  • 原发性免疫缺陷综合征(如. common variable immunodeficiency = CVID) → allergy/immunology
  • 慢性疼痛
  • 慢性疲劳
  • Uncomplicated gout (see above – please do not refer unless failing conventional urate lowering therapy, 或tophi是存在的)__. 请参阅下面的PCP医疗管理提示
  • Positive 安娜 without other symptoms of autoimmune disease; fatigue alone is not sufficient
  • Positive RF without inflammatory joint pain (see above)
  • 孤立ESR/CRP升高
  • Elevated CK in the absence of muscle weakness; or in the setting of acute trauma, 饮酒, 或药物滥用(急性横纹肌溶解)


  • 既往病史和当前用药清单
  • Most recent clinic note clearly documenting reason for referral, current complaints
  • 如在过去6个月内入院,须填写出院摘要
  • Most recent labs, imaging studies, pathology reports, etc. 如果已经可用(见 有用的研究 在转介前取得)


  • 痛风
    • Diagnosis – monosodium urate crystals in synovial fluid is gold standard; reasonable to treat empirically if clinical hx of podagra with elevated uric acid levels.
    • 治疗
      • 耀斑
        • 秋水仙碱0.6mg bid x5d if 肾小球滤过率(GFR) wnl; use prednisone 40mg x5d if not (colchicine is contra-indicated in CKD)
        • DO NOT stop allopurinol/febuxostat during a flare if already on it – will cause further shifts in uric acid concentration and PROLONG the flare!
      • 维护人员:耀斑消退后,开始…
        • 肾小球滤过率(GFR) wnl
          • 别嘌呤醇每日300毫克+秋水仙碱0.6g daily as flare ppx (risk of flares when starting allopurinol due to shifts in uric acid concentration)
          • Check uric acid levels every 6 weeks and uptitrate allopurinol by 100mg at a time until uric acid level<6.0. 别嘌呤醇最大剂量为900mg
        • CKD -伴任何GFR
          • Allopurinol 50mg daily + prednisone 5mg daily as flare ppx
          • Check uric acid levels every 6 weeks and uptitrate allopurinol by 50mg at a time until uric acid level<6.0. 别嘌呤醇最大剂量为900mg
          • NOTE – allopurinol is NOT nephrotoxic and NOT contraindicated in CKD – just needs to be started low and slow due to slight increased risk of allopurinol hypersensitivity syndrome. 如不能用别嘌呤醇使尿酸达到目标, reasonable to switch to febuxostat 40mg daily → increase to 80mg daily if needed.
  • 骨关节炎
  • 纤维肌痛症

Samantha Shapiro,医学博士